AOB Chinese Edition

The AOB Chinese edition (the Chinese edition of Annals of Blood) is a Chinese-language column that addresses the growing need for trusted medical information in China. The initiative of the AOB Chinese edition aims to raise awareness of medical advances among clinicians through translated content, enhancing the links between Chinese scientists and the international medical community.

The translation of a selection of full-text content from AOB applies rigorous standards to ensure accuracy and quality control. The AOB Chinese edition will deliver the quality clinical and scientific content to the Chinese medical and clinical research community.


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抗凝治疗适用于很多临床适应证,包括静脉血栓 (VTE) 的预防与治疗,如深静脉血栓(DVT)和肺栓塞(PE),还有房颤的卒中预防和减少假性心脏瓣膜血栓形成及血栓栓塞的风险。


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针对人类血小板抗原 (HPA) 的同种抗体参与了免疫介导的血小板减少症的发病机制,如胎儿/新生儿同种免疫血小板减少症(FNAIT)、难治性血小板输注(PTR)和输血后紫癜(PTP)。